Tournament Scheduler Features:
- Tournament Types
- Types of Draws
- # of Draws
- # of Courts Available
- Hours setup by day
- Customisable Schedules
- Shareable Draws
- Print Ready Draws
- Email Support
- Free Upgrades
- On-line Registrations
- Call Back for Support
- “1st Match” List
- Daily Matches Program
- Logos / Images Customisation
- Additional Seats
- Revenue / Resale Opportunity
Tournament Types: You can choose from these 2 types of tournaments:
- Club Championship Format: Generally, this type of event is when there are no specific dates on which matches are played. Instead, you tournament can be running over a longer period of time and players must “play by” a certain date. That gives flexibility to the player to schedule their own matches. This format is very popular when hosting an “internal” or club members only tournament. When using this format, you can select to have run both Singles and/or Doubles events (if applicable to your sport).
- Tournament Format: This would be your typical tournament, when you schedule every match and its played in a shorter time period. In this format, you can only select either a Singles OR Doubles event (but not both). Also in this case, a Tournament Format can’t be setup to be played for more than 7 days.
(NOTE: You will also have the choice of selecting Doubles and/or Singles format)
Types of Draws: The current version has the following Draws that you can choose from. If you have a need for a type of Draw not listed below, contact us and will evaluate the time & feasibility to have it created it for you.
All Draws are programmed to guarantee 2 a minimum of two matches for each player.
(NOTE: all Draws and Round Robins will auto-populate the player’s names based on seeding/order as per common practices)
- Double Elimination – 8 Players: This type of Draw will allow each player to be eligible to win the tournament, even after losing one match. After losing two matches, the player will be eliminated from the tournament.
- Single Elimination – 8, 16 or 32 Players: This type of Draw is were the loser of each bracket is immediately eliminated from winning the championship or first prize in the event. Losers of first round (or 2nd round if there were a “BYE”) will continue to participate in either a “consolation” or “plate” tournament. In some cases, organisers uses this format to have the Main Draw be the feeder of a lower level Draw of those losing in the First Round.
Click to Zoom
- Round Robin – 1 Box – 4, 5 or 6 Players: This would be your typical Round Robin, in which each player faces each competitor in their “box”. The Player with more points (matches won) is the winner.
- Round Robin – 2 Boxes – 8 or 10 Players: This would be your typical Round Robin, in which each player faces each competitor in their “box”. The top 2 players of each “box”, will play against the other top 2 players (Semi-finals) and then the winners will play the Finals.
Number of Draws: You can run simultaneously up to 10 draws (not including feeder or consolation draws) within the same Software. Since the Software is Excel based, you could have multiple “files” for different events at the same time with the same License (as long as it is the same “user / PC ” using the Software). This means you can have infinite number of draws / events running at the same time.
Number of Courts Available: During the planning of your Tournament, you can schedule matches in up to 10 different courts/locations. You will have the ability to “name” the courts, so that you can use multiple locations if needed.
Hour setup by day: The Software will give you the flexibility to help you schedule your matches easier and faster, by been able to assign a START time and LAST MATCH start for each day (Available only in the Tournament Format) . You can also allocate the estimate duration of each match. This will help the Software determine time between each match.
Customisable Schedules: This is one of the greatest feature of the Software. More frequent that not, you will have players that can’t play at certain times or that you want to have for example, play all matches of a Category in a specific court (or location), have the Finals played in a specific order, etc.
Although the algorithm of Software will schedule your matches giving the right priority for the category, this feature will allow you customise when, who and where, matches are played. It will also prompt you if you have “repeated” matches or “missing” matches that still needs to be scheduled.
This feature will also allow you to “highlight” specific matches of a category or round.
Shareable Draws: The generate Draws are contained to the Software file, however, this feature will allow you to generate a file containing ONLY your draws (and a index tab), so that you can share via email, post to your website, etc. Unfortunately in this version, those “shared” draws can’t be updated (but soon to come in next versions). You can always update your draws contained in the Software and then you can share them again.
Print Ready Draws: The Draws are set-up to be printed in “Letter” sized papers and you can always customise the Print Area and to have it print into larger sized papers.
Email Support: We are not just selling a Software, we want you experience to be great ! Feel always free to send us an email with inquires, help, questions, suggestions or anything that you think we can help you. We will get back to you in the next 24 hours.
Free Upgrades: We are not planning to stop here. With feedback like yours and bench-marking us to others in the Market, we plan to keep developing new versions and deploying upgrades. Any in good standing License User will be eligible to receive those newer versions and upgrades.
On-line Registrations: For a very affordable price we can set-up an on-line registration thru our website for your Tournament. This way you avoid all the manual work to extract names from an email. We can customise the Registration Form to any of your needs and we will share frequently the list of registered players in an Excel format.
Even if you are not using our Tournament Generator Software, we will still be able to offer this feature.
“Call Back” Support: Most of the issues and question you might encounter can be answer via email. However we understand the importance to talk to someone and we will be more than happy to call you back, anywhere in the globe, to help you with your issue or answer your question.
1st Match List: This is a great feature that will save you some precious time. What this will do is generate a list the First Matches of all your registered players, organised by Category/Level they had register for and then in alphabetical order. The 1st Match List will include the time and location of their first match.
The Software will also allow you to generate a “shareable list” in a single Excel file for you to send via email or post on your website or any other Social Media.
Daily Matches Program: This feature will save you time and will make you look like a Pro. Basically what it does is a list of the matches that will take place in a day of your selection, providing your spectators and players a Program of the matches played that day, where and when.
Logos / Images Customisation: This is a service (paid separately) that we offer in which we can replace the “default” logos that the Software comes with and replace them with your Club’s or Tournament Sponsor. Unfortunately we can’t allow the customisation of it to be done by you since most likely the logos & images that the Software comes with, someone else would have paid to be there.
Additional Seats: Additional “seats” can be purchased for those organisations and clubs that will have more than one user using the Software. If your organisation or club is looking to acquire more than 5 additional “seats” , please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to work out something better for you.
Revenue / Resale Opportunity: We are aware of the importance and relevance of your network surrounding the sport you play. For this reason, we are offering an opportunity for you and us to team together with a “win-win” proposition. Reach out to us for more information.